sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

My Last...

Hello again. people! :D

I think I wite all words I need to wite in the blog, but I wanted to wirte this, simply because I want to thank you to all. I know I always tend to be heavy but all of you are there and you stand whatever I do, so, I wanted to tell how much I apreciate your friendship.

Kat, Roser... You are my sweeties, I can't imagine one day going to UJi without seeing you. I mean, you are what makes me smile while I'm sad. I always remember the day I meet you. Kat, you were my first friend on UJI and the only one who approached me when you heard me talk about anime. And Rose... You were the famous Roser I hear talk about (yeah Maria and Alba's fault xD). Thanks for being there always, and for listening me and heling me when I need help. I love you girls! :D

"Groguet"... Agony dealer ¬¬ Just kidding! :) (I love that words xDDD). Thanks for being there! And for invite me to a Vila-real match >_< I always wanted to go the "Madrigal" for seeing a match, and when you said me if I wanted to go, it was, well, very pretty :3 Thanks for your support for the exams and, you have to know it, one day I kindap you for my frech exam, juju.

Alvaroo... Spanish is the language of the empire, OMG, don't say it again, please -__-. Thanks for your jokes and for you help with french. Like Kat said in one of her entries you are a posh ¬¬, haha, but you are very nice too. Ah! Don't speak in french ¬¬ you make me feel bad!

Well, I don't have nothing more to say, I know the entry was sooo fool and stupid but I wanted you to know that I love you, guys!

And well, I don't have what I have to had to tell you that but... I Raawr U!

1 comentario:

  1. Sweetie I love you so muuuuuch!! You always make me smile and...you're blame that when Barça plays, I can't stop praying for Winning xD

    I love you ^^ CU tomorrow ^^
