miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Regret Message

'When I was little, my best friend told me histories about our dreams. I don't believe it... Now I'm here, near the ocean, begging the sky, wishing you were here, with me.
I remember you saying, 'You can achieve your dreams if you throw this bottle at the ocean. You have to write your dreams on a paper, roll it up, and throw it with your dreams. The ocean will make your dreams true'. Only madness, in my opinion.
Stupid dreams. Stupid life.
Now I know I was wrong. I miss you, Len.
Then your voice sound in my mind, remembering all things you told me the last day we were together.

—Rin, what's you want the most?
—I don't want nothing, Len. If I’m with you, I have all I want. You are my wish —and then she smiled.

—That’s good… —and he shut up. Len looked at Rin, and he smiled—. Rin, if sometime you want something, you only have to send one letter. The ocean will give it to me. You know I love you, right?

—I know it, Len. But, why are you telling me this now? Are you going anywhere? —Rin asked scared.

Len nodded.

—I won’t go anywhere without you, Rin. But nobody knows what is going to happened tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. I’m only remembering you I love you.

Rin smiled sweetly.

—I love you too, Len. Don’t ever let me go... —she put his arms around his body, and hugged him.

Len answer Rin’s gesture the same form, hugging her.

One lonely and scared tear run away through my cheek and it falls at the floor. I was crying, and I know it…

—When are you going to return, Len? —She screamed to the sky, with only one hope.
Len, listen to me… and come back.

That's the song I used for write the little history. It is very beautiful. On youtube you can found the translation.

Kisses for all! Roser, Kat, I love u girls!


lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009


Hiii there people!!

A new week has began, you know what it means?
Let me tell you what. 31 of October. Halloween. El Salón del Manga.

It's clear? I think so!
I'm so excited, because is my first Salón del Manga and, wow, I'm cosplaying (this exist?)... ROAD KAMELOT, from my favourite animé; D.Gray Man. Yeah I know probably all of you don't know nothing about D.Gray Man but I have to talk about it, sorry!

She is Road, don't she look adorable?
She probably look adorable but she isn't, jiji (who has seen DGM knows why I'm saying that). She is very sweety in her human form, but when she appears like a Noeh, she is sooo sadic xD. Her umbrella is adorable and funny, too! His name is Lero (yeah an spoken umbrella).
This evening I will take some photos with one of my friends, Akireh, with our cosplay, she is cosplaying Miku, from Vocaloid.

Kat, Roseer, I miss you, tomorrow I won't see you in class :(. I'll go to Valencia, at the Hospital u.u I hope all will be Ok... I hate hospitals...

Well I'll go to some funny things, like seeing a film xD. See yaa!!

Kissus for Kat and Roser!


viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

New Lyrics From the Moon

My voice will make you fall in love with me
Ooookay, don't go crazy, I'll explain you that!

The situation: One conversation in messenger with my friend Andrés, who's living in Madrid right now, and, as always, I was singing (writing) the lyrics on the conversation. He knows how my voice sounds and when I said something like 'Kiss mee' (yeah, really flufy song xD) he wrote on mayus, 'OMG, Kyde, people is going to fall in love with you when they hear you singing' . I think I was laughting for ten minutes xDDD. So now this is my subnick on messenger, and everyday when he talks with me say the same. xD

Well, the second day of my Lyrics From the Moon. I'd like to actualice the blog yesterday but I didn't have time, I went to my uncle's home, and we, my family and me, lunche there. So when I arrived home I only want to do one thing; Sleep on my sweety bed xD. Right now I'm very hiperactive so, I upload the entry now :P

Day 2: Today is my Friki day, so, I'll put one Vocaloid song :P The song is from a simulation voice game, so it isn't going to sound like real music, but I love it! (Yeah, I know I'm crazy :P)

I'll put this because in weeks Halloween will be here :P The songs sound really Halloween, and the lyrics are really funny, hehe. First I would pit 'Triple Baka' but this is better for you to hear. I don't know how much say, so, it ends here :P

Kissu! Saionara mina :)

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Lyrics From The Moon

Yeah, I'm here again! Hi there people! How are you? Fine? I think I'm perfect today, in my house, with my parents and my brother. And my pretty dog, Iris *-* I've missed their.

Well yesteray when I was coming to Benicarló by train, I was thinking about whatever I could write in blog, and one idea come to my mind! I read Kat's blog and I saw her new section in blog, 'It's time to RAPE', so I though 'Why I can't do something like that?' And the idea came to my mind. I'm not going to talk about my platonic loves (OMG, I have many!) like Kat, I'll talk about my lyrics, that's the reason of the section name 'Lyrics From The Moon'. Every Saturday I'll spent some time doing this section. I hope will be funny for you. I notice you, maybe some things sounds crazy so, your welcome to it. :)

Day 1: Song, Bittersweet. Artist, Apocalyptica ft Ville Valo & Lauri

Apocalyptica widget by 6L & Daxii

Ok, first, I found that song on youtube and I fall in love with it. The artist voice is beautiful and the lyrics are perfect. I know, I would had started with another song, like Ready to die or something like that, but I can't. I listened this song and my mind said 'You HAVE to post and talk about this song'. Anyway, I have to talk about the song, not about my thouhgts....
Well as I said I found this song on youtube, and I started to listen the band. My friend Akireh is in love with the Valo (OMG me too, is sooo sexy, his voice is awsome) and she insists me on to listent that song, and OMFG, I can't stop listening it all the time! The lyrics are awsome (I translated it, yeah) and the music... I can't describe it in words, is imposible.

Well, finished.
I'll go to do some work. See yaa guys!
Kisses for all :3
