viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

New Lyrics From the Moon

My voice will make you fall in love with me
Ooookay, don't go crazy, I'll explain you that!

The situation: One conversation in messenger with my friend Andrés, who's living in Madrid right now, and, as always, I was singing (writing) the lyrics on the conversation. He knows how my voice sounds and when I said something like 'Kiss mee' (yeah, really flufy song xD) he wrote on mayus, 'OMG, Kyde, people is going to fall in love with you when they hear you singing' . I think I was laughting for ten minutes xDDD. So now this is my subnick on messenger, and everyday when he talks with me say the same. xD

Well, the second day of my Lyrics From the Moon. I'd like to actualice the blog yesterday but I didn't have time, I went to my uncle's home, and we, my family and me, lunche there. So when I arrived home I only want to do one thing; Sleep on my sweety bed xD. Right now I'm very hiperactive so, I upload the entry now :P

Day 2: Today is my Friki day, so, I'll put one Vocaloid song :P The song is from a simulation voice game, so it isn't going to sound like real music, but I love it! (Yeah, I know I'm crazy :P)

I'll put this because in weeks Halloween will be here :P The songs sound really Halloween, and the lyrics are really funny, hehe. First I would pit 'Triple Baka' but this is better for you to hear. I don't know how much say, so, it ends here :P

Kissu! Saionara mina :)

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