jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Somebody to Love... RoxasYuffie

You don't know what you're talking about," I tell him.

He just shakes his head, blonde spikes bouncing, and says, "Yuffie, Yuffie. You're so naïve."

"I am not!" I protest loudly, stomping my foot. I cross my arms across my chest and give him my best 'I-am-Ninja-hear-me-RAWR' glare.

And he laughs.

"So is this some sort of childhood trauma or something?" he asks, tilting his head to the side and causing dark blonde locks to fall over his beautiful eyes. I blink, suddenly realizing he wanted me to answer.

"Oh!" I exclaim, still surprised at the opportunity he gave me. Worst mistake ever. "Well, yeah. When I was five someone dropped a hug bowel of ice cream on me." I sigh dramatically. "It scarred me for life!"

Another laugh. My god, I love it when he laughs. "So now you're absolutely terrified of an ice-cream parlor?" He says, shaking his head in an 'Oh-Yuffie-has-gone-insane-again-and-she's-being-ridicules' way. I have wonderful friends. "C'mon, Yuff. I'll pay!"

I want to choke him. "Roxas, I don't want a damn root beer float." I growl. I don't think I look too intimidating. Well, to him at least. I've known him for about five years, and sometimes my mom says it's like we're siblings. She told me once that she asked him what I wanted when I ran, screaming, into my room, telling them I wanted to be left alone and she thought there was some hidden meaning and Roxas just said, "She wants to be left alone. Duh. Oh, and a Hershey bar or two. I'd say three, just to be on the safe side."

…He… didn't walk very well for about a day after that.

The smile on his face is infuriating. "Yuffie," he reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder. "I said I'll pay. And, besides, it's my birthday soon."

"I never use the birthday thing!"

Oh, wait…

Yes I do.

He rolls his eyes. "You say 'It's going to be my birthday soon!' two months in advance."

Oh, I love you too, Roxas. Roxie.

Heh… Roxie…

I brush his hand off and switch to another glare. I haven't named this one yet, but it made a kid cry.

I think.

"Well, you want me to go with you because no other girls notice you," I counter.

He winces. "Not true." Right. "I want to go with you because you're my friend, Yuff."

Actually, he is right. About the friend thing, but also about the girls-don't-want-to-be-with-him thing. I kinda sorta scare off any girls who show any interest in him because, mostly, they're popular bitches who either a) want to hurt me 'cause I'll be 'jealous' or b) like him only because he's hot and he's a big skater dude.

And what's so wrong with calling your best friend hot?

"Please, Yuffie?" he begs. Huh. I could get used to this. His blue eyes flash malevolently, and he adds, "You've never tried a root beer float, have you?"


I advert my eyes. "No, can't say I have…"

He leans in closer to me, and I know the all-knowing smirk he stole from Riku is plastered on his face. He's probably going to burp in my face or some other disgusting thing to make me go with him.

"It's a date then," Roxas whispers.

Then his lips brush against mine.

My eyes widen, and he pulls away and laughs nervously. Sure, all he did was give me the chastest of chaste kisses, but that really didn't stop him from turning a bright pink color.

"I'm… I'm sorry, Yuff," he says after a moment. I'm still in shock. "It's just that…"

I suddenly feel the urge to grab him and kiss him senseless.

But, hell, this is my BEST FRIEND I'm talking about here! Not some sex-god or something!

"It's alright," I say softly, suddenly feeling very shy. He looks at me expectantly. I laugh and say, "Now that I think about it, I don't know why we haven't done that sooner!"

His hand takes mine, and he smiles the smile I know he keeps just for me.

…I guess I can suffer through brain-freeze if he's with me.

Written with "Somebody To Love" By Glee Cast

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