martes, 20 de abril de 2010

No Air... RoxasYuffie

"So I'm just a replacement, then?"

Yuffie glanced up at him, startled. She licked her dry lips (she absolutely refused and attempts Aerith made to make her wear lip gloss) and smiled sheepishly. "I was doing it again, wasn't I?" she asked. The ninja had a bad habit of unconsciously bringing up Sora in conversation.

Roxas fixed his grey-flecked eyes on her. Then he asked her something she thought had nothing to do with his pervious statement, "Do you love me?"

Yuffie opened her mouth to answer, but he cut her off.

"You don't love me, Yuff. You love Sora."

She frowned and looked into the sixteen-year-old's blue eyes. Last year, when she met him, she had developed 'feelings' for Sora when he had came back from a world he described as an 'endless meadow'. Everyone who knew about it thought she was drawn to Roxas because of his similarity—his connection—to the keybearer.

"I don't love Sora," she declared.

Roxas gripped her shoulders tightly. "Yes, you do. You won't stop talking about him."

She didn't miss the hurt in his voice.

Yuffie's frown deepened. The wind decided to blow, causing her to pull the jacket he had let her barrow when she had mentioned it was cold outside closer to her.

"I don't love him."

Roxas bowed his head, looking at the ground. She knew he was trying not to show weakness. "Tell me… what have I done for you?" he asked. The tenderness in his voice threw her off for a second.

But, really, what hadn't he done for her? Roxas always seemed to know what she wanted. Once she was starving and he bought her raman. Another time she had gotten in trouble for stealing (which she hadn't been doing at that store yet) and he had bailed her out. Roxas even found her a place to stay while she was in Twilight Town. He was just too nice to her.

Yuffie felt her eyes tear up—she had an idea where he was going. "Everything," she replied.

He looked up, locking his eyes with hers. "And what have you done for me?"

"I've given you hell," this tie a tear escaped, an rolled down her cheek. But Yuffie kept mostly a straight face.

"Do you know why I've stayed with you, then?"

Her shoulders would have started shaking if he had let her go. Yuffie's voice broke when she answered, "Because you love me,"

Roxas nodded solemnly. It was unnerving how calm he looked. Then he asked a question she didn't want to answer; "Do you still love Sora?"

She looked deep into his blue eyes. The eyes she loved. She couldn't lie to him. She couldn't lie. "I love Sora."

Roxas looked away, slowly removing his hands from her shoulders. Then he walked away.

Yuffie felt her legs give out from under her and she fell hard on her knees. She pulled the jacket around her tighter, unwilling to cry but her dark eyes unwilling to oblige. He was leaving her with nothing but memories.

"But I love you more…"

I write the history listening "No Air" by Glee Cast, so sweet. Listen it if you want!

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