viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Your Music... NaminéDemyx

It was too damn quiet in the castle, and Demyx heard her soft footsteps easily from several hallways away. He didn't bother to look up when Naminé was standing right above him until she said something.

"Why aren't you playing any music?" she asked softly, as if she were afraid to break the silence.

He glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled. "No one appreciates my music. I always get yelled at."

She walked around in front of him and sat down on the clean white floor along with him. He noticed that she was carrying an older sketchbook and a fresh box of crayons. She fidgeted, nervously opening and closing her box of crayons.

"I, uhm." She said quietly. Demyx leaned in closer. He liked her voice. It was very melodic and had even inspired a song or two. "To tell you the truth… I kind of can't draw without your music." Naminé looked down, as if she should have been ashamed of what she said.

Demyx was sure that was the cutest thing he's ever heard. He smiled and pulled his sitar into his lap, and he began to play.

Naminé grinned back at him, her cheeks brushed with pink. She flipped to the first page of her sketchbook and began to draw.

Pt. 2

Sketchbooks and scraps of paper were scattered across half of the expansive table. Some of the papers were neatly stacked in places, but for the most part the table was in disarray.

Naminé was seated in a chair at the head of the table, and Demyx was standing over her, grinning. She flipped through a sketchbook, her most recent one. She paused on a page covered in orange and red.

"It's Axel." She said. "He wanted me to draw him the day before he left, actually."

She was referring to when he left to kidnap Kairi. Demyx stood awkwardly for a few seconds before leaning in to get a closer look. Today he'd seen her drawings she'd done ever since she was born, and she had improved greatly. Her drawing of Axel actually looked like him, smirk and over-abundance of flames and all. Demyx never really got along well with him.

"I like it," he said sincerely. She smiled slightly and flipped to the next page. The next one was full of blues and greens, and Demyx couldn't help but say, "Aha!"

Naminé laughed. "Like it?"

He picked up the sketchbook. It was a drawing of him wielding water along with his sitar. He could see little Demyx clones in the background.

"You made me look like I could actually hurt someone." He joked. She smiled hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure how to take the compliment. He gave her back the book and she flipped through it some more.

They passed some drawings of heartless, dusks, roses and even the room around her. They were all very nice, and Demyx was really grateful that she was showing him her drawings.

Naminé started to flip to another page but stopped and snapped the sketchbook shut. "That's all." She said awkwardly, kicking back with her feet so the chair would scoot backwards. The back of the chair knocked Demyx in the knees.

"No, no, let me see." He insisted, reaching for her sketchbook. She tried to stop him, but he easily dodged her attempts and snatching her book back again.

Smiling, Demyx searched through the pages until he found the last drawing they had looked at. It looked like it was supposed to be a red-haired girl, Kairi, he presumed, but he could hardly tell because Naminé had gone over the drawing with a dark blue crayon. She didn't like how it had turned out, she told him. She gave up trying to stop him from looking at her drawing and just pouted in her chair.

He turned the page and paused. The date she had written was from yesterday. Yesterday she had approached him and asked him to start playing music, so she could draw.

And she drew him.

She had really managed to capture his love of music. He looked so blissful and she had managed to make the boring white hallway sparkle along with him. He stood still for a good few minutes, simply staring at it. Naminé started fidgeting again.

Demyx took a few steps closer to her and placed the sketchbook down in front of her. She inhaled sharply.

"You're brilliant, Naminé." He said. "That was the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

He ruffled her hair and walked out of the room.

1 comentario:

  1. what a beauty histories =D

    You are a good writter ^^

    I want to see you T_T

    (K) kisses
