viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

New Moon

I wanted to write about it the last week, but I didn't have time, so I write today! :)

Last week, Saturday to be exacts, I went to the cinema with my friends. We didn't go the day of the first view, but the room was completely full of people. Okay, we bought our popcorns and our nestea and we sat in our seats. Then the nightmare started...

We have a very romantic and sweetie couple next us and omg it sucked! I don't know how I could stand it. Well the pretty lovely couple started to talk about the film, and ladies and gentlemen, they hadn't read the book. OMG that was a torture.... When we thought that it couldn't be bad the ads started. Do you know the car mark KIA? Well they have an ad about their new car and the promotion was with the New Moon images, and a boy sitting behind us said 'OMG that film seems to be great!' Seriously, the people don't know what film they went to see....

The film started with a very, very looong title, I thought I was going to fall asleep... Well the film isn't very bad, it is much better than Twilight (it was a disaster...) Rob Pattinson (Edward) has vastly improved its ways. Kristen (Bella) was a little bit better than in Twilight, but not much. And Taylor (Jacob) was the best of the film! He act very, very well and, compared with the others, he is a real actor; I don't know if you understand what I mean...

At the end I went out the room and I was very satisfied. I really like the way the have adapted the book, and the characters. The only thing I missed was the spectacular phrase that I have hears the last year when we went to see Twilight '¡OMG it's going to be a second film! And obviously I answered 'and third and fourth. Read the books guy!' He looked at me and nodded. It was fantastic!

Well that’s all I want to write today, so, I’ll go to do the lunch, we haven’t lunched today!

See yaa guys!!


martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009


Yes, I don't know what's about it, but here we go!
If you know something about me you would know that I'm a friki. So if you came into my room you'll see some posters, gashpon and manga everywhere. Ok, let's imagina that you know everything about me, what you thing you would tell to me?
This is a question I made to my friends, and I made it to you too, Leo I'm waiting for your answer. So everything you want to tell be, you could tell it here! Everything!

Okai, nothing more to say.... I want to be tonight! Twilight on TV! yaaaaay!! Critic Twilight is one of my hobbys! *-*


viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

You Belong with Me

She was scared.
At first she thought it was because of her feelings, but now she knows it isn’t that. When she looks at his eyes she starts to feel incredible things, but all of this are scared feelings.
‘Why he is so strange?’ She asked herself when she was near the boy.
She knows she can’t say her feelings in words, so every time she was with him take his hand, like a couple of never ending love. But, obviously, love isn’t eternal, she knows it, and she was afraid. All the pain appears when he didn't tell his feelings to her.
‘If you want to leave me I’ll make the last scar on you. I’ll leave you unmemorable scar, then I could tell you goodbye!’ These were her words when the boy tells her he want to talk with her.
‘What are you talking about, Sky?’ He asked frustrated.
‘What you are listening. It seems like you couldn’t say your feelings. Then it was ok, Damen. If you can’t say it, shut up!’ She screamed with tears in her eyes.
‘Stop, Sky! Things aren’t like you are saying! I… I can’t say things as the same way as you.’ He answered, with blush in his cheeks.
‘So Damen. This is over.’ The she turn around and started to walk.
Damen ran down the street and the Sky’s hand. She stopped walking but she didn’t turn around to look at his, she was crying.
‘Sky, things aren’t like this. You don’t have reason.’ He stared to talk. ‘You are a special person, but I can’t tell things as the same way as you. I… I’m afraid of the destiny. If you aren’t here, right beside me, I’m afraid.’
‘What...?’ she questioned surprised.
‘What I want to say is… I love you, Sky, I love you…’

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009


Hii there people!

Well as you know, for what time is it, we don't have english class, so I diceded to upload the blog, for lose this 3 hours we have since Catalan class.

Ell the idea of uploadig the blog is clear, now I have to dicede about what I'm going to talk -.-' This is a very dificult work... I read that Kat had written on her blog she hate the wind and I have to say... I complety agree with you girl! Stupid horrible wind... The day is like yesterday, the wind is al around and its cold outside, I only want to go to my bed and sleep! Zzzz...

Well that's not the question, I have to talk about something!

OMG I hate the train that comes t castellón every sunday. Its full of people and we cannot sit anywhere. Neither the floor... u.u Fuck! Well I hate Sundays, globaly. I hate come every sunday with the train and loading a lot of bags. But... I hate not going to see my family on one stupid and horrible week... u.u So, as you know, I love fridays! :D

I think I'm not talking about nothing, so, the entry finish here, yeah, right. Finited!

Kyde-chan! :3

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Time of.... ANIME! :D

I was thinking about how I could talk today in the blog and only one thing come to my mind. Anime, my hobby, well one of my hobbys. xD Soooo. here I am, I'm going to talk about the anime I'm seeing this days, Soul Eater (Oh yeah, pretty name, don't you think so?)

I know the music is very very espectacular :P

Well, this is, basicaly, the opening of the serie.You can se there the main characters of the anime, Maka-chan (the blond girl with two pigtails), Soul Eater (the boy with the wite hair), Black Star and Tsubaki (the boys with blue hair and the girl with one pigtail) and at last, but not the list, Death The Kid and Liz and Patty (yeah the boy with stange hair and the twins).

Basicaly all you have to know about this anime is that it is fantastic! Very intresting, with its pervert parts, its action and its romance. Maka, Black Star and Death the Kid have been working to be the best of the soul eaters and became a new level of soul eaters (I don't remenber the name, gomenne), but they fail in the last proof, so they have to start from the beginig. They have to eat 99 shinigami's souls and 1 witch soul.

Soul Eater, Tsubaki and Liz and Patty are the arms, respectly, from Maka, Black Star and Death the Kid. Soul is ascythe, Tsubaki is a strange thing I don't discover yet, and Liz and Patty are twin guns.

Well the anime stars like I said, but later more problems apear and they have to fight together for the good of the comunity.

Soul Eater and Maka Albram

Tsubaki and Black Star

Patty, Death The Kid and Liz

You can see better the characters in the pictures. :3 Well I don't have anymore to say so I'm going to put my pijamas and watch one or two episodes from the serie. I'll hope you'd like it! I'll recomend to saw it!
Kisses and souls for all of you!
