viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

New Moon

I wanted to write about it the last week, but I didn't have time, so I write today! :)

Last week, Saturday to be exacts, I went to the cinema with my friends. We didn't go the day of the first view, but the room was completely full of people. Okay, we bought our popcorns and our nestea and we sat in our seats. Then the nightmare started...

We have a very romantic and sweetie couple next us and omg it sucked! I don't know how I could stand it. Well the pretty lovely couple started to talk about the film, and ladies and gentlemen, they hadn't read the book. OMG that was a torture.... When we thought that it couldn't be bad the ads started. Do you know the car mark KIA? Well they have an ad about their new car and the promotion was with the New Moon images, and a boy sitting behind us said 'OMG that film seems to be great!' Seriously, the people don't know what film they went to see....

The film started with a very, very looong title, I thought I was going to fall asleep... Well the film isn't very bad, it is much better than Twilight (it was a disaster...) Rob Pattinson (Edward) has vastly improved its ways. Kristen (Bella) was a little bit better than in Twilight, but not much. And Taylor (Jacob) was the best of the film! He act very, very well and, compared with the others, he is a real actor; I don't know if you understand what I mean...

At the end I went out the room and I was very satisfied. I really like the way the have adapted the book, and the characters. The only thing I missed was the spectacular phrase that I have hears the last year when we went to see Twilight '¡OMG it's going to be a second film! And obviously I answered 'and third and fourth. Read the books guy!' He looked at me and nodded. It was fantastic!

Well that’s all I want to write today, so, I’ll go to do the lunch, we haven’t lunched today!

See yaa guys!!


1 comentario:

  1. hmmm...I wanna put a short coment that describes what I think about that film.


    I hate ALL MOVIES of Twilight...

    but...I love the 2 first books..
