lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009


Hii there people!

Well as you know, for what time is it, we don't have english class, so I diceded to upload the blog, for lose this 3 hours we have since Catalan class.

Ell the idea of uploadig the blog is clear, now I have to dicede about what I'm going to talk -.-' This is a very dificult work... I read that Kat had written on her blog she hate the wind and I have to say... I complety agree with you girl! Stupid horrible wind... The day is like yesterday, the wind is al around and its cold outside, I only want to go to my bed and sleep! Zzzz...

Well that's not the question, I have to talk about something!

OMG I hate the train that comes t castellón every sunday. Its full of people and we cannot sit anywhere. Neither the floor... u.u Fuck! Well I hate Sundays, globaly. I hate come every sunday with the train and loading a lot of bags. But... I hate not going to see my family on one stupid and horrible week... u.u So, as you know, I love fridays! :D

I think I'm not talking about nothing, so, the entry finish here, yeah, right. Finited!

Kyde-chan! :3

1 comentario:

  1. somedayI'll talk about stupid trains...
    Every morning I had to be standing on -.- I can't sit anywhere....-.-

    motherfuckers!! xD

    kisses pretty girl
